Gabion Walls
What are Gabion Walls
How about a creative yard divider, planters, or retaining wall. Gabion walls are a great way to add both character and functionality to your landscape. With a wide array of mesh sizes coupled with different shapes and sized stones, the possibilities are almost endless. Many areas in the world use them for large retaining structures, but we believe there are so many applications in today’s outdoor living areas. Imagine a decorative fire pit, garden wall, or even a divider wall to break up a boring yard. Paired with horizontal wood fencing or even aluminum fencing, Gabion Walls may have a place at your house or business. If you can dream it, we can build it.
A gabion (from Italian gabbione meaning “big cage”; from Italian gabbia and Latin cavea meaning “cage”) is a cage, cylinder or box filled with rocks, concrete, or sometimes sand and soil for use in civil engineering, road building, military applications and landscaping.
For erosion control, caged riprap is used. For dams or in foundation construction, cylindrical metal structures are used. In a military context, earth- or sand-filled gabions are used to protect sappers, infantry, and artillerymen from enemy fire.
Leonardo da Vinci designed a type of gabion called a Corbeille Leonard (“Leonard[o] basket”) for the foundations of the San Marco Castle in Milan.