Wood Fencing Designs and Ideas
Why use us for your wood fencing installation.
Different from many other fencing companies, we do not install pre-made panels and choose to build our wood fencing on site. The primary reason for this is that the majority of pre-made panels are manufactured with inferior wood in both design, style, and size. Drive through any subdivision and look for the sagging pre-made panels and you will understand why we choose to build our own panels. Over the years, we have also noticed that an increasing number of panels we are called to replace has come loose at the post which has usually been fastened with maybe one or two nails. For this reason, we use ceramic coated screws for this connection which provides a stronger and longer-lasting brace for your pickets. And lastly, we cement all posts into the ground. There is controversy from company to company if this is really necessary. While they are all debating, we will continue to do what works for us and our clients.
What type and size of wood do we use for our Wood Fencing
Instead of the normal 3/8″ thick x 3 1/2″ wide pickets, we use pickets that are 5/8″ – 3/4″ thick and 5 1/2″ wide. Our horizontal cross supports are not 1 1/2″ x 3 1/2″ which is the norm. We choose instead to use full 2×4’s for our bracing. We use pressure-treated pine as our primary building material but can also use cypress and other hardwoods if the client requests it. Here are our most popular designs.
Looking for something a little more decorative? We can also design custom shapes as you see here with this horizontal fence and gate installation. If you can dream it up, we can usually get it done. Take a look at the “Horizontal Fencing” page to learn more.

Custom Fencing

Wood Picket Fencing

Wood Stockade Fencing

Shadow Box Wood Fencing

Board on Board Wood Fencing

Wood Field Fencing